===================================== MMD Miku Hatsune's Telstar Stage Set ===================================== Accessory for Miku Miku Dance (MMD) version 5.24 and 7.39 Original model by: trackdancer.deviantart.com Licence: Creative Commons for personal, non-profit use only Version: 1.0 INSTALLATION: (1) Create a new folder in your ..\MMD\Accessory folder. Give this folder a suitable name (eg. telstar_stage_set). (2) Extract the files from the zip package into this new folder. (3) Please read the "setup_instructions.html" documentation for a full explaination on setting up the stage. PACKING LIST readme.txt setup_instructions.html telstar_backdrop.x telstar_bandstand.x telstar_base.x telstar_bigscreen.x telstar_dancefloor.x telstar_LCD.x telstar_ring.x telstar_videowall.x [7.39 only subfolder] (do not use/install if you are using MMD 5.24, these files won't work) telstar_full stage w bigscreen.x telstar_full stage w LCD.x telstar_full stage w videowall.x [extras subfolder] demo.avi marker.x readme.txt V2_droid_(TEAL).x telstar_v2_droid.jpg telstar_bigscreen.jpg telstar_LCD.jpg telstar_videowall.jpg [motion subfolder] telstar (ring rotation - anti-clockwise).vmd telstar (ring rotation - clockwise).vmd telstar (stage rotation).vmd PLEASE READ the "setup_instructions.html" for a full explaination of the set. Have fun with this set and drop me a note on this set's home page at "trackdancer.deviantart.com" if you have any comments or questions - cheers!! LEGAL DISCLAIMER Models are release as FREEWARE for non-commercial, personal use only. No Warranty or Guarantee is given nor implied; use strictly at your own risk. ENJOY!!! 04/10/2012